Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games
by Suzanne Collins

I have read a fair amount of reviews for this book that rates this one very high, and its usually associated to the Japanese movie Battle Royale.

I liked Battle Royale movie (I am currently reading the novel) so I bought this book. And what those review i have read is right, this book rocks!
It is really like Battle Royale but the story added the factor of the game being shown live ala Big Brother.

The story revolves around 12 Districts and Capitol in a dystopian setting of North America that is called Panem. The 12 Districts each sends a boy and a girl chosen by lottery to compete in what they call the Hunger Games orchestrated by the Gamemakers of the Capitol.

Katniss, the main girl volunteered as a substitute for her sister that was drawn even when the odds are against the latter. Now, Katniss must survive the game wherein each player kills one another to be the sole survivor. That is one of the obstacle of the game, Hunger, of course, is also a factor in this game, as thus terrain wherein the Gamemakers have complete control.

This book kept me at the edge of each pages as I literally sneak to the next page as every page always make me want to know what will happen next. I had hard time putting this book down even staying up late with my usual sleeping time even if I have work on that day (I slept around 1 am).

This belongs to a trilogy, and the second book, Catching Fire is already out, the last book, Mockingjay will be out sometime around August.

I highly recommend this book.

12/12 district.

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